25th April 2024

Three unique indicators of Iron deficiency.

Three unique indicators of Iron deficiency.

Could you list the top three most well-known symptoms of iron deficiency?? If you said fatigue, pale skin, and low immunity you’d be right. Other well-known symptoms of iron deficiency are dizziness, headaches, shortness of breath and poor circulation… But what else? What else can happen when someone is lacking iron? Given this is a deficiency state which affects 20% of Australian women aged between 25-49 years, it’s pretty important that we know!

Here are three other indicators that are quite unique to Iron deficiency…

  1. A craving for ice and/or pica (craving for non-foods – like hair, rubber bands, clay and dirt) – This is quite a common presentation for kids with iron deficiency.
  2. Restless leg syndrome – This is so common in iron deficiency, especially during pregnancy. Low levels of iron in the blood can lead to a fall in dopamine, triggering restless leg syndrome. Other common deficiencies which may also cause restless legs are magnesium, calcium and of course, dehydration.
  3. Koilonychia – concave/ spoon like nails. Koilonychia occurs in 5.4% of folks with iron deficiency. It’s likely due to nail matrix changes due to blood flow abnormalities.

Some other manifestations of iron deficiency include a swollen tongue, a low appetite and hair loss.

Of course, a diagnosis of Iron deficiency and/ or anaemia is made on signs, symptoms AND blood test results. Before going for a blood test to assess your iron status, make sure you fast for between 8-12 hours beforehand and avoid intense exercise for 24-48 hours prior for accurate results. I also can’t stress the importance of the correct interpretation of iron studies and general blood work in relation to iron metabolism. Please, get a second and third opinion if need be as there are risks associated misdiagnosis (i.e. taking iron unnecessarily AND missing a deficiency completely both carry risk).

Considering iron deficiency is the most common deficiency globally (affecting 33% of the world’s population), it’s crucial that we truly understand how this deficiency can present itself!

Have more questions about iron deficiency? Head HERE.

Bottom Line

Looking at the many ways in which iron deficiency can present itself should give us all an enormous appreciation for the global importance of this nutrient for health and wellbeing.

Until next time,


Vitamins & Minerals