Hello 2018 :)

For me, the New Year isn’t a time to throw out the ‘old you’ to make room for the ‘new’… it’s simply a time to reflect and project! Reflect on all the highs and lows of 2017, and project to the world all the things you hope to see and achieve this year.I’m excited about all the wonderful things already in place for 2018 – more consulting, more work with Off the Track Training, an internship, monthly online programs, more home-grown food, more travel and another BABY! Although I’m adding a lot, ironically I feel like I’ve got more balance than I’ve ever had, which is a result of me getting better with managing both my priorities and time (finally!).If you had an incredible year in 2017, go you!! Keep doing what you’re doing. If not, I hope this year is an improvement, and the highlights outweigh the low lights.Before the year gets away from you, make sure you set aside some time to think about what YOU want! It’s so darn important ;)Until next time,Stacey.


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