My Advice for 2019...

It’s hard to believe 2019 is less than a week away. When I was in primary school, I really thought we’d all be driving cars that flew and living on Mars by now!! Next year perhaps ;)My little family and I are heading to Woodford Folk Festival again this year to get our fix of culture, music, dancing and great food so as I'll be offline for New Years, I thought I'd get in early.

For me, 2018 has been a truly wonderful year, with the highlights outweighing the low-lights. Of course,

we introduced our happy little man, Alfie, to the world.

Alongside some incredible Naturopaths, I completed a

4 month internship with Rachel Arthur.

I consider Rachel to be one of the country’s finest Naturopaths, so learning from her was a true career highlight!!

I continued to work with my buddy and business associate Joy McClymont (and the

Off the Track Training

team), which is always wonderful and I’m SURE I learn more from Joy and all the amazing members then they do from me! I also dipped my toes back into consulting, only just!

My husband and I also did a Nutrition Farming course with Grahame Sait and our little farm is coming along nicely. I also worked hard to reduce our chemical load and exposure even more this year, which was not only full of learning but has been a lot more rewarding (physically, emotionally and financially) then I had anticipated!

I have a list of exciting projects and goals for 2019, both personally and professionally, but I’m mindful to avoid the ‘busy’ trap and spend as much time with my kidlets as I can while they're still little.

Based on what I observed with my wonderful clients this year, my golden bit of advice for the New Year is simple...

Don’t be perfect, be patient.

We make mistakes, constantly, so we need to not only accept this, but live accordingly. With mistakes, comes learning, and with learning comes growth. 

It’s OK if you’re uncertain and unclear of what your goals are, or what you want exactly, these things will come in time. Just remember to be patient and gentle with yourself along this bumpy and windy road we call life; and remember that consistency is more powerful than perfection. 

So, if 2018 wasn't your best yet, I hope that 2019 is for you! May it be full of happiness, abundance, great health and delicious, nourishing, soul food!!


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