Why Eco-Nutrition?

I was first introduced to the term 'Econutrition' after being introduced to the work of Emeritus Professor Mark Wahlqvist a few years ago.What is it?Econutrition integrates environmental health and human health, with a particular focus on the interactions among the fields of agriculture, ecology, and human nutrition (Blasbalg et al, 2011). It captures the notion that health is environmentally dependent.

Econutrition underscores the link between dietary diversity and biodiversity. It emphasises the buffer and resilience that the environment provides. It reflects the broader socio-economic role of food systems beyond the immediate biomedical. It indicates that being synchronous with nature is a marker of our health (Wahlqvist, Lifestyle Medicine Conference 2016). 

This way of thinking resonates deeply with me and I believe that many health solutions lie in how these pieces of the puzzle merge and link together. Over time, my understanding of human health and nutritional medicine has become much more circular. I’ve been on a journey to learn more about agriculture, soil health, plant physiology and ecology because to me, these are the most important pieces of the ‘nutrition and human health puzzle’.


Escaping the Echo-chamber


Does Soil Contribute to the Human Gut Microbiome?