Biloela here I come!

Over the next few months and years, I'm keen to get out into rural communities. My first workshop is in glorious Biloela. 


  • To bring some balance to the noisy nutrition space that's filled with opinion, unqualified "wellness" warriors and conflicting messages.
  • To connect with people, face-to-face
  • To increase consumer confidence in a world that’s overloaded with choice
  • To cultivate wellness in rural and remote areas
  • To create a food system that’s better for all
  • To gain a greater understanding of current challenges individuals and communities are facing, so well can problem-solve TOGETHER

What will we cover?

  • The spectrum of food processing
  • How to cut through hype and false advertising to help you to make sound decisions and choose the best of what is available to you (in a no-nonsense kind of a way!)
  • How 'old' food and food culture can teach us a lot
  • How to reduce waste and eat in a way that supports planetary health
  • The importance of ‘how’ to eat - discussions around intuitive eating, mindset and balance
  • Finding a dietary approach that works for you and your uniqueness
  • My top 5 nutrition game changers

The workshop will be in Biloela, central QLD on SUNDAY the 11th August (8:30-11:30am) and I cannot wait! Spots are limited, so please follow THIS link and book your ticket early to avoid missing out.Please be sure to contact me if you have any questions, and let me know where you'd like to see me go next!


Understanding "Folate" – What’s in a Name?


Closing the Gap