Merry Christmas, from my family to yours.

I recently heard someone say, “2020 has been a horrible guest, but an excellent teacher!”. It has been a year of constant adjusting and we’ve all had such different experiences. And for a year that went from a calendar full of events to none, for me, it’s certainly flown by! 

Speaking from my own experience, 2020 has driven my family and I further along the road of self-sufficiency; taught me a lot about overload and recovery (after a short and sharp encounter with Barmah Forest Virus!); brought me closer to the things that I value and love most (including nature itself); and has made me realise how quickly everything can change. I have also continued to up-skill in the areas of econutrition, evidence-based natural medicine, nutritional medicine and pathology interpretation so I can practice with a high level integrity and continue to expand on my professional knowledge.

Despite the challenges and radical uncertainty, I hope 2020 been kind to YOU and the lessons have been helpful.

Although this year has taught us that plans are never truly fixed, I thought I’d share a few things I currently have in the works for 2021.  


Virtual shared naturopathic appointments/ group mentoring sessions.

These sessions will be limited to 5-10 people per session, will be on a specific topic that is relevant to those participants and will be 90 mins in length. The goal with these shared virtual visits is to make quality Naturopathic and Nutritional Medicine accessible and affordable for all. Stay tuned for more information on these.

Online programs: Click here to check out my Thinkific courses and stay tuned for the next release ‘A Guide to Gilberts' which will be finished very soon!

Live workshops: Dates and locations still TBC for 2021.

Consultation days: I will be consulting two days a week (Wednesdays and Thursdays) for virtual appointments (via Zoom/ Skype/ phone) commencing mid-January. I will also still be working with and supporting the hundreds of wonderful members from Off the Track Training.

To register your interest for the shared appointments or to book a 1:1 consultation, please email me

Finally, a heartfelt thank you to everyone who has been so incredibly patient with me over the past 5 years.

As many of you know, my short “3-month maternity leave” turned into 5 years of being predominantly a stay-at-home Mama. As much as I love my job and have missed working at full capacity, I can safely say that spending more time with my kids during their formative years has been (and continues to be), the best decision I’ve ever made – for all of us.

And to those of you who I had the pleasure of speaking with this year, a big thank you for allowing me to make a contribution to your health and life.

I never take this privilege for granted.

I truly hope you and your loved ones have a wonderful and restorative festive season!


What makes Nutrition so confusing?


Some home truths on “leaky gut” (and why it’s time to expand the conversation beyond gluten)