My Wellness Principles

The nutrition arena has become very noisy. There are blogs, podcasts, programs, shows, documentaries and books discussing what we should and shouldn’t eat everywhere. Before you say anything, yes, I realise I am part of that 'noise'!With all this commentary, as well as the rise of the wellness ‘expert’, poor communication between the scientific community and the media, “Nutritionism” (judging a food by its nutrient content rather than the whole food), marketing and advertising, and the ever-changing science… it’s easy to see why we're confused about what to eat.In short, having core principles and a solid philosophy removes the stress, helps you cut though the bullshit, simplifies things and gives you the confidence you need to make good decisions.Principles Underpin PhilosophyTo give you an idea, I’ve listed just a few of mine below.How you eat is just as important as what you eat – Even if you eat the healthiest foods this planet has to offer; if you’re rushed, stressed, mindless or anxious whilst you’re eating, your ability to digest and absorb the vital nutrients held within these foods is hugely compromised.Tradition and culture – Take butter vs margarine. There’s evidence to suggest that our Stone Age ancestors ate butter, yoghurt and cheese some 8,500 years ago. Margarine on the other hand has only been on our lives for around 50 years. I know which one I choose.Quality trumps quantity – this applies to SO many things. From your friendships, to your sleep, to of course what you eat.Flexibility, Variety, Moderation and Personalisation - As recorded in medical text books dating back to the 2nd century BC, the attributes of a healthy diet were - flexibility, variety, moderation and personalisation. Flexibility around food helps cement long-term habits. Flexibility also allows you to make mistakes and be OK with that. Variety ensures you eat seasonally, and therefore have a more nutrient dense diet. It keeps your diet interesting and diverse. Like flexibility, moderation enables you to keep some balance and perspective in place. Finally, there’s personalisation. This principle means there is no one size fits all. We are all so very different and at the end of the day, just need to do what works for us.


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