Here's what you do when eating well gets too hard, or you feel you're not doing "enough"...

Last year, I asked a 70 year old patient of mine what advice she had for us “young” ones (many of whom are professional jugglers working day and night, trying our best to do and be it all..) and what advice she had for a younger version of herself. This beautiful women who I admire very much said, “I wouldn’t be so darn hard on myself, and neither should you!"

Sage advice.

When it comes to what you eat, of course you could be doing better in SOME way... but just because there’s always room for improvement, it doesn’t mean you’re not doing a great job already.

Here's some gentle reminders on what to do when eating well gets too hard, or you feel you're not doing "enough"... 

1. Remember why you want to be well - we all have our own why's.

2. Remember what might happen (and what has happened) if you don't eat well - fatigue? irritability? illness?

3. Remember that you don't have to be perfect. Simple meals can still be incredibly wholesome (and it's OK to have baked beans on toast every now and then!)

4. Don’t overthink it. Paralysis by analysis is rife in nutrition.

5. Ask yourself two questions - “When did eating well start getting hard?” and “What are some baby steps I can take to make things easier?”

6. Remember that any thought you put towards what you might do later in regards to meals/snacks is helpful.

7. If you’ve just embarked upon a new approach, don’t try to change everything at once.

8. In the wise words of Joy McClymont, "something is always better than nothing".

9. Last but not least... please please remember that you are worth the effort!!


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