Thinkific Courses Have Landed!

For the past few months I’ve been tinkering away behind the scenes working on some virtual courses. With COVID changing the way that 2020 has unfolded, I decided that there was no time like the present to give my current courses a HUGE face-lift (and over the next few months, add some great new content to the mix!).

Why create another online course when the internet is saturated with them?

All of my courses and e-classes are created (and have always been created) with my current clients in mind, to help deepen and solidify some key concepts discussed during consultations or workshops.

But really, these courses may also benefit those who are time poor; those who are looking for information that’s balanced, evidence-based yet holistic and affordable; those that want to learn on a first class learning platform (which Thinkific absolutely is!); and for those that are curious and proactive.I’m very mindful and discerning about the information I share. I want to provide a balanced approach in the health and wellness space, that is becoming more and more polluted with polarising and biased information.

My goal is to raise nutrition and health literacy, in a way which is affordable, balanced and digestible (pardon the pun!).

The courses currently available are 'Introducing Solids', 'Unravelling Intolerances' and 'Optimising Digestion'. Courses which will be released over the coming months include 'A Guide to Gilberts' and 'An Introduction to Econutrition'.

Each month I hope to add more content with YOU in mind. 

So please, have a sticky beak at the Learning Hub and let me know if there is something specific you’re keen to learn more about. I’m all ears!


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