Articles & Recipes
Articles & Recipes •
Herbs as Digestive Aids
Culinary herbs and spices are powerful digestive helpers. They help relieve gas and bloating, stimulate the production of digestive juices and act as fuel for our beneficial gut microbes.
Natural Medicines for Little Ones
When my daughter was 20 months old, she noticed some slow-healing sores on my leg (which were actually white tailed spider bites!). She took herself off to the bathroom and 5 minutes later raced out with some Manuka honey and 3 band-aids.
Heart Healthy Foods for Women
Let’s begin by acknowledging the fact that cardiovascular disease (CVD) is NOT a ‘man’s’ disease, far from it. In Australia, more than half a million women have cardiovascular disease.
Weeds & Gut Health
In regenerative and holistic management circles, weeds are often considered ‘indicators’ of the soil’s physical, mineral, and microbial characteristics.
Gilberts Strikes Again
I didn't discover I had Gilbert's Syndrome until I was in my early 30s.
Welcome to your Sixth Sense, the Vagus Nerve.
The vagus nerve is the largest and most complex of the twelve cranial nerves.
How long does it take the gut microbiome to ‘bounce back’ from antibiotics?
The last time I had antibiotics was about 16 years ago, when I was visiting a dear friend in the south of France.
Is the Appendix the most underrated organ?
Until I started studying, I had NO idea what the appendix did or where it lived in the body.
Protecting the Slimy Goodness in the Gut.
Just like healthy soil, health of the human gut microbiota is characterised by diversity and abundance.
Have You Been Gifted Gilbert's?
Before your imagination starts running in overdrive, no, I'm not talking about the type of gift you get