I'm really excited to be launching this one! It's for those that are seeking continuity of care, close mentoring, practical advice and an evidence-based, yet holistic perspective on their health.

The Regeneration Program is an exclusive 4 month mentorship program designed to restore health, wellbeing and promote long-term healthy habits around diet, lifestyle and mindset.

What does the program include?

  • Monthly group Zoom sessions (6) discussing the latest evidence around topics such as hormonal health, gut health, mental health and metabolic health.

  • A 90 min 1:1 consultation to discuss personal goals, personalise treatment plans, Herb-Nutrient-Drug interactions review (if applicable), personal Pathology interpretation (if applicable) and much more.

  • Ongoing discussions around mindset and motivation

  • Access to online thinkific courses and any additional resources that may be helpful (i.e. audios/ videos/ meal plans)

  • Weekly tasks/ challenges over the 4 months

  • Access to a private support group where questions can be asked at anytime, and other program members can share their thoughts and experiences.

Why have I created this program?

My experience has also taught me support is often needed when bridging the gap between ‘knowing’ and ‘doing’, especially in regards to lifestyle and nutrition recommendations. It's one thing to KNOW what a wise choice is when it comes to health, it's quite another to consistently DO it. This is where long-term guidance and support is truly powerful and time can become an ally, rather than the enemy!

Other useful information...  

The program will be limited to 10 people only, and costs $1500 as a once off upfront payment. The program kicks off on the 1st July 2021, and applications will close one week prior to commencement of the program.

This program combines the latest evidence in the fields of nutritional, lifestyle, integrative and holistic medicine with balanced, down to earth, sensible recommendations. I'm beyond excited to be a supporting people who are genuinely ready for growth, engagement, learning, change and consequently, an improvement in quality of life.

Applications to join this program close on 21st June. To register your interest, email me at stacey@cultivatingwellness.com.au. If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to ask! 


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