What does personality have to do with food preference?

Growing up, I had a really close friend that LOVED spicy foods. She would hunt down tabasco and chilli sauce everywhere we went... the hotter the better! I could never understand it, because to me, even the smallest amount of pepper was confronting! ;) The thing is, just like the chilli sauce she loved so much, my gorgeous pal was (and still is) adventurous, sassy and bold.

Our food preferences are shaped by many things, like our upbringing, culture, environment and microbes to name a few; but according to this fascinating paper, our personality traits also shape our food preferences.

Did you know that people with a so-called ‘sweet’ personality are more likely to like sweet-tasting foods? Or that tasting something sweet can make us more likely to believe that we have pro-social tendencies, and can make us temporarily more romantic!? Perhaps this is why chocolate is synonymous with Valentine's Day. :)

It also makes sense that extroverts, who are typically sensation-seeking, tend to seek foods that offer an endorphin boost, like caffeine and chilli (like my tobasco loving buddy!). According to the research, those with personality types that are open to new experiences will generally enjoy a wider range of foods and have a preference towards salty foods; and those who are more introverted or anxious are less adventurous with food, and tend to enjoy foods that are more familiar to them.

After reading this paper, I wonder how many more personality traits align with food choices, whether it be 'colourful', 'flexible', 'adventurous', 'balanced', 'self-critical', 'curious' or 'cautious'? On a personal note, I can absolutely see how the food preferences of my children really do match their unique little personalities.Our food preferences, experiences, likes and dislikes are JUST as unique as our personalities; and just as our personality traits may change over time, so too can our food preferences.


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