My Supplemental Superpower ;) ;)

I was talking to my kids a few weeks ago about superpowers and how I believe we all have them. My husband then asked me, "what's your superpower?", to which I replied (after a long pause), "reading supplement labels?!" 😂

Ridiculous I know, but honestly I love being able to look at a supplement and have the skills to be able to make an informed decision around whether it's decent or not. Forms of nutrients, dosages of herbs and nutrients, combinations used, parts of herbs used and where ingredients are sourced, are all things I consider. Then of course, even if a supplement ticks all the boxes, is it even necessary?! You might have found the world's best Iron supplement, but if your iron is already replete, you're not only wasting your money, there is actually risk of harm.

Data from a decade ago reveals that about half of the Australian population takes supplements regularly, with use being more common in women compared to men. This is most likely higher now, given the ever increasing range of supplements available and the fact that it's a growth industry. Despite incredibly high supplemental use in Australia, very few (less than 10%) consult with appropriately trained and qualified health professionals before taking these supplements.

With hundreds of thousands of supplements available with the click of a button, my superpower doesn't seem so silly... although my kids might think otherwise!😜


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